RFB 25-0303 Lake Tawakoni Division Stone for Rip Rap

Bid Opportunities, Notices

Please download RFB 25-0303 LTD Stone for Rip Rap Bid Documents and Notice to Respondents at the following link:  https://www.sratx.org/about/forms/#doing-business RFB 25-0303 LTD Stone for Rip Rap Notice to Bidders.pdf RFB 25-0303 LTD Stone for Rip Rap.pdf RFB 25-0303 LTD Stone for Rip Rap Map Location.pdf Bid Opening Meeting Zoom Meeting Details https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83632410745?pwd=K0N0c3bycU9uoCxtDehf6Rmj2juHDr.1 Meeting ID: 836 3241 0745 Passcode: 530445 …

SRA-TX Scheduled TCRP Steering Committee Meetings

News, Notices

The Sabine River Authority of Texas (SRA-TX) has scheduled two Sabine River Basin Steering Committee meetings to review the Draft 2025 Basin Program Update Report for the Texas Clean Rivers Program (CRP). Additional topics will include updates to the Orange County Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program, SRA-TX Natural Resource Program updates and the SRA-TX Water Conservation and Drought Contingency …

RFB 25-0501 Toledo Bend Division Rip Rap

Bid Opportunities, Notices

Please download RFB 25-0501 TBD Rip Rap Bid Documents and Notice to Respondents at the following link:  https://www.sratx.org/about/forms/#doing-business RFB 25-0501 TBD Rip Rap Notice to Bidders.pdf RFB 25-0501 TBD Rip Rap.pdf RFB 25-0501 TBD Rip Rap Addendum #1.pdf Bid Opening Meeting Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83004685665?pwd=xfBQXez2nx3ximz0oXMw3NmiCNyd20.1 Meeting ID: 830 0468 5665 Passcode: 088342 — One tap mobile +13462487799,,83004685665#,,,,*088342# US (Houston) +12532050468,,83004685665#,,,,*088342# …

SRA-TX Seeking Volunteers to Construct Artificial Habitat Toledo Bend

News, Press Releases

Sabine River Authority of Texas (SRA-TX) invites you to attend a volunteer workday to help assemble PVC fish attractors that will be deployed into Toledo Bend Reservoir. Assembly includes using PVC glue to join pre-assembled pipes, drilling 5/8” holes into the PVC pipe, and zip tying 100’ of 4” perforated pipe around and throughout the structure. All materials and disposable …