The Sabine River Authority of Texas (SRA-TX) was created by the Texas Legislature in 1949 as an official agency of the State of Texas. The SRA-TX was created as a conservation and reclamation district with responsibilities to control, store, preserve, and distribute the waters of the Sabine River and its tributary system for useful purposes. The boundaries established by the Act forming the SRA-TX comprise all of the area lying within the watershed of the Sabine River and its tributary streams within the State of Texas. The watershed area in Texas includes all or parts of twenty-one counties.
The SRA-TX is governed by a nine-member Board of Directors, who serve six-year terms, with three members being appointed by the Governor of Texas every two years. Directors are required to reside within a county situated wholly or partially within the watershed of the Sabine River and are vested with the management and control of the affairs of the SRA-TX.