Splashpad Open Memorial Day Weekend-Labor Day
Operating Hours: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
The W. C. Swearingen Recreation Area is located on the west bank of the east fork of Lake Fork Reservoir This park has paviliions, playground equipment, splashpad, picnic tables, grills, a wheelchair-accessible fishing pier, and restrooms. There are no usage fees.
From Quitman: take SH 154 north and the park is on the right just after crossing the SH 154 bridge over Lake Fork.
From Yantis: take SH 154 south and the park is on the left immediately before crossing the SH 154 bridge over Lake Fork.
Conrad King, Lake Fork Division Manager
Dominic Sipe, Lake Fork Assistant Division Manager
353 PR 5183
Quitman, TX 75783
903-878-2416 Fax