The studies summarized here were conducted as a part of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) relicensing process for the Toledo Bend Hydroelectric Project (Project). These studies were developed in consultation with federal and state resource agencies and other stakeholders with FERC oversight and approval.
Lower Sabine River Water Quality and Aquatic Resources Study
This comprehensive study consisted of six specific resource studies including Numeric Water Quality Assessment, Lower Sabine River Fishery Study, Lower Sabine River Mussel Studies, Benthic Macro-Invertebrates, and Bottomland and Floodplain Connectivity Study. Those studies related to natural resources conservation within the Sabine River Basin are briefly described below.
Terrestrial Special Status Species Survey
The goal of this study was to identify protected species, critical habitats, and sensitive natural communities within the study area that may be affected by Project operations. This study was conducted using a desktop approach that included an analysis of existing literature and the development of electronic datasets from geographic information systems (GIS). The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of continued Project operation, maintenance, and other related activities on: federally threatened, endangered, or candidate species and associated critical habitat; state-listed or sensitive species; U.S. Forest Service (USFS) sensitive species; and other rare species (collectively known as “special-status species”) in the Project area.